TMS doctors
Dr Atima Saxena TMS Director Psychiatrist The Victoria Clinic |
Dr Atima Saxena is a general psychiatrist who undertook her training in Melbourne at The Alfred Hospital. With 20 years medical experience Dr Saxema holds a Master's Degree on Health Services Management and was a fellow with DHS and RACMA prior to beginning training in psychiatry.
Throughout her career Dr Saxena has worked in acute and community settings of both public and private hospitals specifically, Headspace early psychosis program and drug and alcohol units.
Dr Saxena undertook her advanced training in Brain Stimulation techniques:
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
- Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT)
- Magnetic Seizure Therapy (MST).
All under the supervision of Prof Paul Fitzgerald. Dr Saxena works as a consultant psychiatrist at the TMS units of both The Victoria Clinic and The Melbourne Clinic and undertakes both inpatient care and outpatient consulting at The Victoria Clinic.
Dr Brian Ferry MMBS FRANZCP Psychiatrist The Melbourne Clinic |
A General Practitioner referral is required for admissions and appointments.
To be admitted for TMS, please fax or email your referral letter to the preferred site for treatment.
For further enquiries please contact the site TMS Coordinators:
TMS Coordinators
The Victoria Clinic
Jonathan Mangusio
Phone: (03) 9526 0284
Fax: (03) 9521 7510
The Melbourne Clinic
Sue Tran
Phone: (03) 9487 4628
Fax: (03) 9487 4655